Monday, December 29, 2008



Ok - I have covered all the holidays for now! See you in 2009!!

I have been a horrible blooger - I am just going ot post some pics to get you updated and hope that I do better in 2009!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ty Harrison

Wanted to update you guys on the cyst on baby Ty's brain.....IT IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!! We went on Monday to get another ultrasound done. The lady was quite a B&^CH but we were so excited to find out that it was no longer there. Ty was NOT cooperating at all. He was in fetal position all curled up in a ball. He would not let us look at his penis at all. :) She did say that she saw his scrotum so at least we know he is still a he!!

I am having alot of pain with this pregnancy. I have pubic synthesis, which is when your pelvic bone hurts really bad everytime you move. It is getting worse and worse, so I will probably end up on bed rest. It will not hurt the baby in any way, so I am thankful for that.

Also, Ty weighed in at 3 lbs. OMG!! Yes - 3 lbs!!! I am only 28 weeks!!! I have a feeling this is going to be a BIG baby. David was a 10 pounder - so I am sure this boy is going to take after him. I guess we will have a football player on our hands. I am scared to buy him any clothes because he will probably come out needing 3-6 months clothes. HA!! I really hope not!!!

Amy and I are going to get her registered this weekend at Babies R Us. I am excited to see all of the new things that they have come out with since Cori was born. Her name is still McKenna but they changed the spelling of the middle name to Lyn - just one N.

My friend Amanda is due anyday now. Can not wait to meet her little bundle of joy - Zoe. Please say a prayer for one of my other close friends who just went through in-vitro. Pray that she has a little baby growing inside of her right now!!

Dad is doing better. He has been coming to the office more and more. Just wish we could sell a few houses and everything would be FANTASTIC!!

Mom's last day is Friday and then she is no longer employed!! I can not believe that she is going to be home alot. I am sure she will find something to do with her time. I told her today, that she is probably going to have to stay home and take care of my kids. I did the math today and when I put Ty in daycare with Cori, it is going to cost $1,320 a month. Is that crazy or what. Made me a little sick to my stomach!!

Until next time.....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Family NEWS

Dad had open heart surgery on Monday the 19th. He is doing AWESOME and is at home. They only ended up having to do 2 by-passes. Hopefully he will fully recover and can get on with his life and feel better!!

Frank and Amy found out Wednesday that they are having a LITTLE GIRL!!!!! :) I think Frank is handling it VERY well! Ha Ha They are both VERY excited and Amy came over Wednesday night to get some of Cori's clothes. She has not idea how much stuff she is fixing to get for her little girl!! As soon as David gets it all out of the attic I can not wait for her to see it all!! They already have a name picked out - McKenna Lynn Marsters - I LOVE IT!! I think that we have settled on our name too - Ty Harrison Cantu. It is going to be so awesome to see these two cousins grow up together and since we live only 7 doors down from each other I know I will get to spend LOTS of time with my sweet little McKenna - CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time.....

The BEST Mother's Day Gift!!!

I got a call on Friday before Mother's Day from Tammie and she told me that the doctors said that Cole could come home on Saturday!!!!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, after 5 LONG months, Steven Cole Mauricio got to come home from Texas Children's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tammie got the best Mother's Day gift any mom could get!! He is doing absolutely wonderful. Gaining weight, eating good and just being a really happy baby. He is PRECIOUS

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's a STINKY BOY!!!

We went and had my 20 week ultasound yesterday and WE ARE HAVING A STINKY BOY!!! That is what Cori calls the baby. It is so cute when she says it. She tells me that she is going to have a brother and that he is going to smell and have lots of poopy diapers. I think it is HILARIOUS. She went with us to the ultrasound yesterday and got to see the baby. She wanted to hold and rock the baby, but I told her that the baby is not ready to come out and that he has to stay in my tummy and grow some more. She seemed OK with that.

While they were measuring, etc. they got to the brain. The technician casually said that the baby had a cyst on his brain. WHAT??? BACK UP??? She measured it and took pictures of it and said that I will have to come back in 6 weeks for a follow up ultrasound. She said that sometimes the cyst will disappear on its own. If not, there is a chance that the baby will have a chromosomal defect. We are praying VERY hard that this cyst goes away and that the baby is healed. I know we have 6 more weeks to wait, but I am trying hard not to stress out about it. It is all in God's hands.

Amy finds out the sex of her baby on the 20th. I pray that they get a little boy too because I really don't know if Frank can handle a little girl!! :) He cracks me up when I tell him things about Cori and he gets totally grossed out. He is such a waaa waaa!!

Mother's day is around the corner - don't forget to tell your mom how much she means to you.

Tootles - Lindsay

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Been forever!!

I know it has been forever since I have been on here!! Let me try and see what has all gone on so I can get everyone up to date.....

1st thing 1st - WE ARE PREGNANT. I am 3 months along and due in September. Cori does NOT want a brother, but we are hoping for a boy because the baby making factory will be closed in September!!

Cori's 3rd birthday was on January 17th and my 31st birthday was on the 21st. We had Cori's Princess B-day at Victory Sports, which is a gym, and all the kids had a blast.

Baby Cole had to have another surgery to fix a hole in his intestines, so he is still at TX Children's. They have started feeding him again and he seems to be doing good with it so hopefully he will be home with Steven and Tammie soon!!!

Cori had pneumonia all last week and it was HORRIBLE. She was running 104.7 last Monday and it never really went below 102 until about Friday. She finally woke up Sunday morning with no fever. She is still on antibiotics and breathing treatments, but she is doing alot better.

Once Cori finally got better on Sunday, my mom went to the ER because she could not breathe or quit coughing. She was admitted with pneumonia and is STILL in the hospital. She is doing better but is still very weak and not able to walk without oxygen.

David's B-day was on Monday and we went out to the best restaurant in Sugar Land - BRAVOS - NOT - I can not stand this place, but it is David's favorite!!!!

I go back to the dr. on Tuesday for a checkup. I hope to update this more often!!!!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dress up with Lissa

Melissa (Lissa) is our next door neighbor and I went to High School with her. She came over this weekend and decided after a few glasses of wine that she would play dress up with Cori - here is the outcome of that.....All I can say is that Cori had a blast - but I don't know what to think of our daushound PeeWee!! Poor thing!!!

Cori's First Haircut 1-5-2008

Cori's hair was getting SOOO long but I did not want to cut it because I did not want her to loose her curls :( She is also MAJORLY tenderheaded and she was getting knots at the bottom. We went to a place called Cool Cuts and they sit in a chair that is actually a car and that has a steering wheel and they watch a movie. They had Dora in so that was FINE with Cori. I thought she might have a "princess" moment and she would freak out but she did so good!! There are still a few curls left at the end so I am pleased.

Cole Update

Just wanted to let everyone know that Colei s doing SOOO good. I will post pictures below of his awesome progress!! They still are not letting him have any food/milk yet so that is making him a little fussy - but we don't mind fussy as long as he is healing. Cori is wanting him to come home really bad. She asks about her baby Cole all the time!! Hopefully he will be home in the next few weeks. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!!
This is Cole 2 days after surgeryThis shows his incision - he is off the ventilator - PTL!!Look at how good he is looking

He is back to looking like himself here!! He is sucking on the pacifier like crazy but nothing is coming out.....

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Where did December go??

Geez - it has been a crazy few weeks around our house! On December 13th we got a present better than anything Santa could bring. My nephew Steven Cole Mauricio was born. It was a LONG day and Tammie was in labor for 16 hours and had to end up having a C-Section. He is absolutely precious and Cori loves her cousin so much (more about Cole below).

We FINALLY got all the presents wrapped before our Christmas party with my mom's side of the family the Saturday before Christmas. SANTA (my brother) came to our party and the kid's loved it!! Cori even sat in Santa's lap this year. I thought for sure she was still terrified. She would not even look at a Coke can with Santa's picture on it. We had a BLAST!!

We spent Christmas morning with my parents, Christmas afternoon with David's family and back to my parents house for a Christmas night party. Cori got a million toys!! Santa brought her a kitchen and she loves making me things to eat! It is hilarious watching her play with all the food and utensils. We are very blessed to have such an awesome family and get to spend time with each other.

Then the not so good part of December happened. I got a call from Tammie (my nephews mom) Friday afternoon - the 28th (which also happened to be David and my 4 year anniversary). She was hysterical and needed me to come and get her and Cole and get them to the ER. (She can't drive - C-section). Cole had a MAJORLY bloody diaper. I was dropping Cori off with my mom because David and I were going on a date that night so I was in Sugar Land, at least 35 minutes away from her so she called an ambulance to come and get them. I got to Texas Childrens not to long after they got there. He went into emergency surgery that night because his intestines were in a bind. He had another surgery Sunday morning to remove 75 cm. of his intestines that were dead. His prognosis is very good. He got the ventilator removed yesterday and Tammie got to hold him. His tummy has not started making grumbling sounds, so they can not start him on food and he is not too happy about it!! I am going up again after work to check on my munchkin!! Here are a few pictures that I took of him on Christmas day!! Please keep him and our family in your prayers!!

We had a low key New Years and went to our neighbors, Juan and Melissa's party.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year and I will fill you in on Cole soon.